Access Our Services


Recognizing that individuals have differing needs and interests when approaching conflict, and in appreciation for the complexity and uniqueness of conflicts that require sophisticated approaches, OSCR offers a spectrum of services that may be tailored to meet individual circumstances. In addition to administering the Statement, OSCR maintains student disciplinary records for the University. OSCR also offers a variety of workshops related to conflict resolution that can be requested for academic classes, fraternities and sororities, and student organizations. To explore all of our services in greater detail, use the hyperlinks and descriptions listed below! Any questions about OSCR, our offerings, or general inquiries can be directed to [email protected].


To request conflict resolution services, please complete our Consultation Request Form

To request your record or a confidentiality/FERPA waiver, please complete our Records Request and Confidentiality Waiver form.

To request a workshop, please complete our Workshop Request Form


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Records Requests and Workshops

OSCR also offers workshops for student organizations, other U-M departments and units, and academic programs. These educational workshops promote conflict resolution skills for attendees, including conflict styles, communication methods, and active listening techniques. Workshops are by-request and we will meet with you to adapt our content to fit your organization/unit/program's needs. Click the link above to learn more.

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Adaptable Conflict Resolution (ACR)

The Adaptable Conflict Resolution program is OSCR's voluntary, non-disciplinary conflict resolution program. All ACR resolution pathways live into the values of restorative justice, focused on promoting healing and transformation. ACR participants first meet with a facilitator to share their thoughts, feelings, and perspectives on a situation they are experiencing. During this meeting, a facilitator can assist you in choosing a conflict resolution pathway to best meet your needs, including a facilitated dialogue/mediation, restorative justice circle, conflict coaching, and more! Click the link above to learn more.

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Spectrum Model
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Formal Conflict Resolution (FCR)

The Formal Conflict Resolution (FCR) process occurs when a student is alleged to have violated the Statement of Student Rights and Responsibilities. Both the complainant (the party alleging the violation) and the respondent (the student named in the complaint) will have the opportunity to meet with OSCR Staff to discuss options in the FCR process, and both are entitled to have an advisor present at any meetings with OSCR. Click the link above to learn more.

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Alcohol and Other Drugs (AOD) Resolution

The Alcohol and Other Drugs program, also rooted in the University of Michigan's Statement of Student Rights and Responsibilities, allows community members to learn about harm reduction and safe use strategies for substances including alcohol and cannabis. OSCR’s Informal Conflict Resolution for Alcohol and Other Drugs (ICR-for-AOD) program allows students to address alcohol or other drug-related incidents in a safe, confidential setting, and without incurring a disciplinary record. Click the link above to learn more.

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Sexual and Gender-Based Misconduct (SGBM) Response Programs

The Sexual & Gender-based Misconduct (SGBM) Response Programs within the Office of Student Conflict Resolution include Adaptable Resolution (AR), STARRSA Active Psychoeducation (STARRSA AP), and Review & Reintegration (R & R). The SGBM Programs are a key part of OSCR’s work to Build Trust, Promote Justice, and Teach Peace using restorative practices. We embody the philosophies and principles of restorative justice, social justice, and conflict transformation. Through our work in education and resolution, we apply a trauma-informed lens and emphasize strong cultural competence in seeking to effectively understand and support all participants, both on an individual and community level. Click the link above to learn more.