Frequently Asked Questions

FAQs for Parents, Family, Attorneys, and Friends

Experiencing conflict is healthy but can also be confusing or stressful. Students engaged in conflict resolution may wish to have an advisor, attorney, parents, or others provide support. The Statement outlines the role third-parties have in the conflict resolution process.

Responding to a Complaint: FAQs

Receiving a letter of complaint can generate many questions. The most common questions are provided below with the corresponding answers. If you have further questions, please contact OSCR.

Minor in Possession (MIP)

Alcohol and other drug use may constitute a significant health risk with consequences for student academic and personal success. As described in the Statement, University students are expected to uphold institutional values and maintain a high standard of conduct both on and off-campus. The University believes it is essential that students involved in alcohol or drug-related incidents learn about resources designed to support their healthy decision-making, well-being, and success. When given an MIP while off-campus the University will get involved in this incident.

Off-Campus Conflict Resolution

Off-Campus Statement Violations

Per the Statement, “Behavior which occurs in the city of Ann Arbor, on University controlled property, or at University sponsored events and programs may violate the Statement. Behavior which occurs outside the city of Ann Arbor or outside University controlled property may violate the Statement only if the behavior poses an obvious and serious threat or harm to any member(s) of the University community.”

Academic Misconduct

The Statement does not cover Academic Integrity. Therefore, OSCR is not involved with questions of Academic Misconduct. Each school and college at the University has established statments and procedures related to Academic Integrity and Academic Misconduct.

Serving as a Witness

When you are asked to be a witness to a conflict that may have involved student misconduct, you are not considered a witness for or against the complaining witness or the accused student. You have been asked to provide information about an incident that is being arbitrated.