
OSCR can assist a student in finding an advisor. Upon request, OSCR staff members will endeavor to find an advisor for a student who requests one. If a student would like an advisor, the student must complete and sign a waiver permitting their advisor to have access to information about a student's involvement with OSCR. This is because of the federal law, the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), prohibits OSCR staff from releasing any information about a student’s involvement in the resolution process without the student’s written permission.

Advisors can:

  • Support and advise the student they are advising
  • Help individuals understand the resolution process and available options
  • Assist individuals in preparing for meetings, taking notes, framing questions, identifying witnesses, and gathering supporting materials

Advisors cannot:

  • Gain information about a case without explicit written permission from the student
  • Speak for or represent a student they are advising
  • Serve as both a witness and advisor
  • Engage in sideline conversations with OSCR staff (especially when the advisee is not present)
  • Question witnesses or make statements during arbitrations

Frequently Asked Questions:

Who may serve as an advisor?

Nearly anyone can serve as an advisor, including a parent or other family member, a faculty or staff member, friend, or attorney. However, advisors may not serve duplicate roles in the resolution process, for example by serving as both a witness and advisor.

What is the role of an advisor in the University’s Resolution Process?

Per the Statement, the University considers the procedures for resolving disputes a part of its educational mission. Therefore, it demands an active role for students going through the resolution process. Accordingly, OSCR staff will engage directly with students. Advisors should advise a student to the best of their ability, and should not engage OSCR staff directly or attempt to speak for or on behalf of a student they are advising.

Can OSCR assist a student in finding an advisor?

Yes. Per the Statement, “The Central Student Government…has the option to develop a student peer advisor corps. These advisors will be available to any student party involved in Statement proceedings (excluding mediations).” Upon request, OSCR staff members will endeavor to find an advisor for a student who requests one.

What steps must a student take to involve an advisor in the resolution process?

If a student would like an advisor, the student must complete and sign a waiver permitting their advisor to have access to information about a student's involvement with OSCR. This is because of the federal law, the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), prohibits OSCR staff from releasing any information about a student’s involvement in the resolution process without the student’s written permission.

Advisor Agreement Form