Savannah Currier, M.A.

Job Title
Program Manager - Alcohol and Other Drugs
Pronouns she/her

​Savannah serves as the Program Manager for Alcohol and Other Drugs within OSCR. Savannah graduated from Eastern Michigan University with an M.A. in Educational Leadership with emphasis in Higher Education/Student Affairs. She also received her certification from the International Certification & Reciprocity Consortium as a Harm Reduction Specialist. Savannah is passionate about using restorative practices and harm reduction in conduct and conflict resolution work that empower students to take ownership of their experiences, education and growth. Additionally, Savannah has a passion for working with student leaders and spent two years working with student organizations at EMU. Outside of the University, Savannah enjoys spending time with animals (especially her dogs Kodaline and Clove and her cat Roux), painting and discovering new music.

Street Address: 
100 Student Activities Building
515 East Jefferson
Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1316
