Review and Reintegration

The Review and Reintegration (R & R) program provides a pathway to a restorative return to campus for a student found responsible for sexual harm, supporting both the student and the campus community. Review and Reintegration utilizes Circles of Support and Accountability to offer space for students to reflect on learning, determine the appropriateness of lifting sanctions, identify resources and support for sustained success, and plan any additional measures needed to ensure successful reintegration into the community.  

The Circle of Support & Accountability (CoSA) model focuses on the safe reintegration of a student into the campus community. The CoSA model adheres to the principles of risk, need, and responsivity and is used to help reduce the student’s likelihood of re-engaging in harmful behavior, thereby increasing community safety. CoSAs focus on “5 C’s”:

  • Convene: Come together in a small and confidential virtual space facilitated by the Office of Student Conflict Resolution
  • Connect: Connect with the student and with the campus community
  • Concern: Allow the student to reflect on their growth and development and what they learned since the harm and impact experienced by the Complainant and the community
  • Collaborate: Allow campus partners to collaborate and share their thoughts about the student’ reflections
  • Closing: Campus partners’ recommendations, communication with student, and resources available for support. 

Review and Reintegration is separated into two steps: Review & Evaluation and Reintegration.

Step 1: Review & Evaluation

Review & Evaluation is a restorative measure available to students toward the end of suspension or after a pre-determined amount of time after an expulsion. Specific dates of availability are shared directly with the student. The student is joined by campus partners and other support persons who seek to listen, assess, support, and plan additional measures needed to ensure student success. Campus partners may include staff from OSCR, ECRT, DoS, Wolverine Wellness, CAPS, SAPAC, etc.

The purpose of Review & Evaluation is threefold:

  1. To verify compliance with all aspects of assigned sanctions and educational interventions;
  2. To review and discuss the period of separation from the University;
  3. To determine the appropriateness of ending the suspension and/or removing transcript notations.

Examples of assigned sanctions / educational interventions to review include:

  • Transcript Notation 
  • STARRSA Active Psychoeducation
  • Wellness Coaching for Alcohol & Other Drugs
  • Reflective Project
  • No Contact
  • Notification to Future Schools and Employers (recommendation)
  • Counseling (recommendation)

The student is provided a space to share what they have learned during their time away from campus, including growth from completed restorative sanctions. The student and campus partners come together in a Circle of Support and Accountability to hear the student’s reflections on their journey, evaluate the growth they have undergone, and determine if the student is ready to return to the campus community and/or if a notation can be removed from the student’s transcript. 

Possible Outcomes of Review & Evaluation

  • Student able to return without reservation, followed by Reintegration (Step 2)
  • Student able to return with recommendations, followed by Reintegration (Step 2)
  • Student able to return with requirements, followed by Reintegration (Step 2)
  • Student unable to return at this time with recommendations, followed by an opportunity for additional Review & Evaluation (Step 1)

Step 2: Reintegration

Reintegration is available to a student after Review & Evaluation if the student and campus partners agree that a return to campus is appropriate at this time. The student is joined by campus partners and other support persons who seek to listen, assess, support, and plan additional measures needed to ensure student success and safe reintegration into the campus community. Campus partners may include staff from OSCR, ECRT, DoS, Wolverine Wellness, CAPS, SAPAC, and other offices.

The purpose of Reintegration is twofold: 

  1. To identify resources and support services for sustained success.
  2. To plan any additional measures that may be needed to ensure successful reintegration into the community.  

The student is provided a space to identify obstacles they may face on campus, needs that require support, resources that may be most helpful, and how they will be held accountable for their plan and actions upon their return. The student and campus partners come together in a Circle of Support and Accountability talk through obstacles, and provide additional resources and support to ensure a safe return to campus. Upon return to campus, the student may also check in with campus partners to monitor progress and determine if any further support is needed.

One of the tools often used in Reintegration is a Plan of Support and Accountability (PoSA). A student may complete a PoSA as an assigned sanction, as an outcome of the Review & Evaluation process, or voluntarily as a self-reflexive tool before a Reintegration process. The student utilizes the eight dimensions from the Model of Well-being to complete the plan on their own and prepares to share the plan with campus partners as to how they will navigate their return to campus, including navigating any barriers to success and what support campus partners can provide them. 


Confidential Resources

Non-Confidential Resources: Ask Questions, Get Connected

  • Dean of Students Office (DOS) | (734) 764-7420: Non-confidential assistance with any matters that may interrupt the life of a student, including navigating academic, personal, and community impact of sexual and gender-based misconduct matters, connecting to other support and resources, and information on policy and procedures:
    • Respondent Support Program: Dedicated staff trained to provide direct support to U-M student respondents who are involved in reports of sexual and gender-based misconduct.
    • Beyond the Diag: Beyond The Diag was developed to improve off-campus safety resources, communication, and education for UM students living off-campus.
  • English Language Institute | 734-764-2413: ELI is an academic department in LSA that serves students, scholars, researchers, staff, and post-docs at the University of Michigan
  • First Generation Student Program | (734) 936-1055: An opportunity to connect with U-M’s community of first-generation students and those who will support and encourage you throughout your journey.
  • International Center | 734-764-9310: provides a variety of services to assist international students, scholars, faculty, and staff at the University of Michigan, as well as U-M American students seeking opportunities to study, work, or travel abroad. 
  • Maize and Blue Cupboard | 734-936-2794: Seeks to ensure members of the University of Michigan community—whether on a tight budget or physically restrained from getting to a grocery store—receive equitable access to healthy, nutritious, and nourishing food and the ability to prepare it for themselves or others.
  • Office of Financial Aid | 734-763-6600: To provide financial resources, information, options, and advice that removes financial barriers and allow students to focus on academic success.
  • Office of Services for Students with Disabilities (SSD) | (734) 936-3947: Seek to ensure equal opportunity and accessibility for all individuals
  • Office of the Registrar | 734-647-3507: Offer insight regarding transcripts, tuition & fees, enrollment verification, diplomas, registration & enrollment, residence classification, etc.
  • Trotter Multicultural Center | (734) 763-3670: seek to build on their historical heritage of strengthening relationships and generating collective power that disrupts patterns of inequity, restores and celebrates cultural heritages, and cultivates racial healing within student experiences.
  • University Housing | (734) 763-3164: provides students with much more than simply a place to study, sleep, or work; residence halls include lounges and recreational areas, events, and learning programs.
  • Veterans Services | 734-763-9066: The University of Michigan-Ann Arbor is proud to serve our students who have served their country.


For more information about Review and Reintegration, please reach out to us at [email protected]