Tips for Resolving Academic Conflicts

Students in Classroom

Academic conflicts can be stressful and overwhelming for U of M students. It can be difficult to get these conflicts resolved independently while trying to keep up on reading, writing papers, and studying for exams. Fortunately, there are resources provided by OSCR that can help you resolve academic conflicts in a peaceful and socially just way. Some academic conflicts involve grade disputes with a professor. These can be challenging to experience on your own. OSCR does not handle grade disputes- these are handled by the Office of the Ombuds. Other academic conflicts experienced by U of M students involve conflicts with professors, GSIs, or other students in a class.

The most important process in resolving conflict with anyone is communication. Talking to your professor is a great way to get a sense of why something is occurring or why a conflict has begun. If you feel uncomfortable bringing up or sharing your concerns with your professor in class then come into OSCR! We offer a broad spectrum of conflict resolution services that will assist you in resolving conflict. One conflict resolution service we offer through ACR (Adaptable Conflict Resolution) is a facilitated dialogue. This pathway can be used for conflicts such as group project disputes and conflicts with your GSI. The Office of Student Conflict Resolution is a great resource on campus and we are here to help YOU, so come in and connect with Team OSCR.

Additional Information

Office of the Ombuds

Schedule an Appointment with OSCR

Ways to Resolve My Conflict